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James Partridge

Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th December 2024

Supporting a debut solo exhibition by local Lowestoft based artist James Partridge. 

The exhibition raises awareness of issues around mental health and the impact mental illness has on well-being, social connection and day-to-day activity. Paintings in the show have been made in response to stories told to the artist by local residents.


The Sidney Reynolds


Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th August 2023

A celebration of photographic work by award winning photographer Sidney Reynolds.


Sidney was a well known and highly successful Lowestoft-based amateur photographer known for his iconic images of the Lowestoft fishing industry and social scene from the 1950s and 1960s. He died in 2001.


Sydney's family have been instrumental in organising and curating the show, and welcome visitors to experience his vast photographic archive, and place yourself amongst images that capture and address a significant period in Lowestoft’s history, industry and heritage. 

Busy Harbour.jpg



Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st August 2022

For one weekend only Daniel & Clara present Landscape Imaginary, a touring exhibition of moving image, polaroids and mail art exploring the relationship between psychology and place, looking at how we imbue places with meaning, and how in turn landscape, weather and the environment impact our imagination and state of mind.


“Landscape Imaginary refers to the zone where inner and outer experiences of place exist as one, it is our psychological experience of the landscape and the dream of the landscape itself. It is the meeting point between the personal and that which lays beyond our grasp.”


The exhibition was presented as a part of Landscape Imaginary, a series of events showing the work of Daniel & Clara across East Anglia.


Since meeting in 2010 Daniel & Clara have dedicated themselves to a shared life of creative exploration, working across moving image, photography, performance, installation and correspondence art. Using themselves and their life together as their material, their work explores the nature of subjective experience, perception and reality. Set against the backdrop of the British landscape, their work presents narratives of psychological disorientation and the human creature in crisis.

Their work has been exhibited at Focal Point Gallery, Kettle’s Yard, Art Exchange, Norwich Castle, Whitechapel Gallery, BFI, By Art Matters Hangzhou, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Paris Grand Palais, HKW Berlin, Fabrica Gallery, Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival, Doclisboa, Museu de Arte Moderna Rio de Janeiro. Films by Daniel & Clara are included in the BFI National Archive.

On The Island, 2021, Daniel & Clara, #91.jpg
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